Carnegie Mellon University

Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Using Gradescope to streamline grading in large classes

Bjorndahl, C.

In this presentation I will demonstrate how I have adopted Gradescope, a new system for grading hand-written work online. I am using Gradescope in a large class with over 100 students and 3 teaching assistants. The class uses a combination of tests, quizzes, and problem sets, and due to the nature of the questions, most work is completed by hand. Gradescope is being used both for the problem sets, which are uploaded by students, and for the quizzes, which are uploaded by TAs. The demonstration will comprise two parts: (1) how to create an outline, and (2) how to grade work. I will use anonymized student submissions to show how Gradescope uses optical character recognition (OCR) to streamline grading. Finally, I will explain how Gradescope is integrated with Canvas. Summit participants will have an opportunity to adapt a template outline, grade assignments using an answer key, and modify a rubric.

Christina Bjorndahl, Philosophy DC